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fluorescence band中文是什么意思

用"fluorescence band"造句"fluorescence band"怎么读"fluorescence band" in a sentence


  • 萤光谱带
  • 荧光带


  • To detect whether crosslinking reaction influence the fluorescence properties of the samples , oxygen - evolving psil core complexes were treated with five crosslinking agents at different concentration , then the chlorophyll fluorescence emission , excitation , and intrinsic fluorescence spectra of these samples were measured . the results showed that both chlorophyll fluorescence and intrinsic fluorescence of oxygen - evolving psil core complexes were altered by the crosslinking reaction . the maximum chlorophyll fluorescence band at 682 nm decreased and the intrinsic fluorescence emission intensity at 308 nm and 328 nm either increased or decreased
    结果表明:交联处理对psll放氧核心复合物叶绿素荧光和内源荧光都有影响,引起682urn处叶绿素荧光强度的降低、 308urn或328urn处蛋白质内源荧光强度的增大或减小,并与处理时所用交联剂的浓度、交联剂的亲疏水性和交联臂长相关。
用"fluorescence band"造句  


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